California Poppy and Lupine

by Bonnie Colgan
California Poppy and Lupine
Bonnie Colgan
Photograph - Photography Prints
The poppy is the symbol of the state of California. Our West coast is famous for massive meadows illuminating entire hillsides with their brilliant orange blooms. Lupine are often close by and are fun to capture however..both are very low to ground and were challenging to capture them both in the same vertical frame, needed for a cover shot.
February 14th, 2021
Comments (10)

Gary F Richards
Spectacular California Poppy and Lupine composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L voted

Maria Faria Rodrigues
Congratulations, on your amazing floral image, Featured, in BIRTH MONTH FLOWERS, homepage group, of Fine Art America, for the month, of December 2022!

Gary F Richards
Spectacular floral composition, lighting, shading, stunning orange colors and artwork! F/L