Lower Yosemite Falls - Bridgeside - Yosemite National Park, Yosemite, California
by Bonnie Colgan
Lower Yosemite Falls - Bridgeside - Yosemite National Park, Yosemite, California
Bonnie Colgan
Photograph - Photography Prints
It's a powerful and exhilarating experience, while standing on the bridge, to hear the roar of the rushing water from Lower Yosemite Falls as it flows from the waterfall above and passes under you.
Others have suggested I digitally remove the bridge railing from the lower left of the image but it reminds me of the challenge i had setting up my tripod amidst the loud, almost deafening, sound of the water and, at the same time, keeping the lens of my camera dry from the above waterfall wetness. I was sprayed with water and wishing i had a raincoat or, at the least, an umbrella.
November 2nd, 2020