Mystical Mist on a Winding Forest Road BW

by Bonnie Colgan
Mystical Mist on a Winding Forest Road BW
Bonnie Colgan
Photograph - Photography Prints
So enjoyed this winding road as it cut through a dense forest of towering trees shrouded in mist. It created a serene and somewhat mystical atmosphere. The road's reflective surface suggested recent rain, and the guardrail to the right provided a sense of scale against the immense trunks. Image captured through the windshield.
April 25th, 2024
Comments (9)

Gary F Richards
Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… YOUR BEST BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY - EVERYONE W...! F/L

Pamela Williams
Drum roll please🥁...this image received an ELITE SPECIAL FEATURE on the FAA aRt diStriCt group homepage. Congratulations! #TheArtDistrict #travel You are invited to archive your work in the Elite Special feature archive discussion

Calvin Boyer
In addition to the banner, I am adding this more permanent recognition of its FEATURE on the homepage of A TREE OR TREES IN BLACK AND WHITE. I try mightily to feature only images that would be at home in a juried competition. No doubt that this image fits that bill. CONGRATULATIONS! And consider adding your image to DISCUSSIONS "Please post your featured photograph here" for greater, long-lasting visibility.
Bonnie Colgan replied:
Calvin wow! Thank you! That's a first for a feature on the same day the image was uploaded 🤗🤫